NCCSHRM Bylaws and Constitution
Revised May 8, 2014
The mission of the North Carolina Coastal Society for Human Resource Management is as follows:
¨To encourage, promote and share programs and services that add to a higher level of professional development for Human Resource professionals, and to recognize those individuals who achieve excellence for the profession, their organizations and communities.
¨To provide leadership to local Human Resource professionals that will support the effective implementation of policies, strategies, and objectives consistent with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).
¨To encourage and promote the selection of the Human Resource profession as a career.
Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct for the North Carolina Coastal Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management has been adopted to promote and maintain the highest standards of professional and personal conduct among its members. By joining this Chapter, a member indicates his/her support for upholding this Code and the understanding of his/her individual responsibility to act in accordance with the following items, thereby assuring that all Chapter activities support the development, networking, and educational intents of this professional organization.
As a member of the North Carolina Coastal Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management, I pledge to the following:
¨Maintain the highest standards of professional and personal conduct.
¨Strive for personal growth in the field of human resource management.
¨Support SHRM’s goals and objectives for developing the human resource management profession.
¨Instill in the public and other NCCSHRM members a sense of confidence about my conduct and intentions.
¨Uphold all laws and regulations relating to my activities.
¨Refrain from using my official positions, either regular or volunteer, to secure special privilege, gain or benefit for myself.
¨Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information.
¨Recognize that NCCSHRM meetings, events, and/or any other Chapter activities are times for networking and development, not times for sales contacts or self-promotion.
ARTICLE I. Name and Affiliation
Section 1. Name. The name of the Chapter is the North Carolina Coastal Society for Human Resource Management, or NCCSHRM (herein referred to as the “Chapter”). To avoid potential confusion, the Chapter will refer to itself as North Carolina Coastal SHRM and not as SHRM or the Society for Human Resource Management. NCCSHRM is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina and exempt from taxation under Section 501(c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 2. Affiliation. The Chapter is affiliated with the Society for Human Resource Management (herein referred to as “SHRM”).
Section 3. Relationships. The Chapter is a separate legal entity from SHRM. It shall not be deemed to be an agency or instrumentality of SHRM or of a State Council, and SHRM shall not be deemed to be an agency or instrumentality of the Chapter. The Chapter shall not hold itself out to the public as an agent of SHRM without express written consent of SHRM. The Chapter shall not contract in the name of SHRM without the express written consent of SHRM.
ARTICLE II. Purposes
The purpose of the Society shall be to:
1. Strive for the highest standards of professional performance in the field of human resource management and employee relations.
2. Endeavor constantly to improve professional standards and ethical conduct in the fields of human resource management and employee relations.
3. Develop greater appreciation of the human resource and employee relations functions in the general business community and in member’s company management in particular.
4. Promote professional knowledge and understanding in the field of human resource management and employee relations.
5. To support designated college/university SHRM Student Chapter(s) in the form of financial, scholarship, programming and mentoring to the Student Chapter members.
ARTICLE III. Membership
Section 1. Qualifications of Membership. The qualifications for membership in the Chapter shall be as stated in Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of this Article. To achieve the mission of the Chapter, there shall be no discrimination in individual memberships because of race, religion, sex, age, national origin or handicap. Memberships are individual and are not transferable to other individuals.
Section 2. Professional Members. Eligible members are those individuals who are (a) engaged in the profession of human resource management at the exempt level for at least three years; (b) certified by the Human Resource Certification Institute; (c) faculty members holding an assistant, associate or full professor rank in human resource management or any of its specialized functions at an accredited college or university and have at least three years of experience at this level of teaching; (d) full-time consultants with at least three years experience in counseling and advising clients on matters relating to the human resource profession. Professional members may vote and hold office in the Chapter. If any member shall become ineligible to hold professional membership because of failure to come within the qualifications set out above, such member shall continue to be considered a professional member for the remainder of the membership calendar year.
Section 3. Associate Members. Individuals in nonexempt human resource management and employee relations positions as well as those individuals who do not meet the Professional member category, but who demonstrate a bona fide interest in human resource management and the mission of the Chapter. Associate members may vote and hold office in the Chapter, with the exception of President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer.
Section 4. Student Members. Individuals who are actively enrolled in human resource degree programs at the college or university level. Student members have the right to vote, but may not hold an Officer’s or Director position.
Section 5. Retired Members. Individuals who met eligibility requirements of Professional members at the time of retirement from any firm, organization, or institution. Retired members have the right to vote. Retired members may not hold an officer’s position; however, they may hold a Director’s position.
Section 6. Honorary Members. Individuals designated by the Board of Directors and by definition meet the qualifications of a Professional member. Dues for an Honorary member will be waived.
Section 7. Vendor Memberships. Vendor’s seeking Chapter membership that have core functions related to the HR profession must be approved by the Chapter Board. Vendor Memberships may not hold an officer’s position for the Chapter.
Section 8. Application for Membership. Application for membership must be on the Chapter application form and submitted along with payment for the first year’s dues. All applications will be reviewed by the Membership Director and approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 9. Voting. Each professional, associate, student, and retired member of the Chapter shall have the right to cast one vote on each matter brought before a vote of the members.
ARTICLE IV. Dues and Expenses
Section 1. Annual Dues. Annual membership dues shall be established for the next year by the Board of Directors at any duly scheduled Board meeting, but prior to the mailing of renewal notices.
Section 2. Effective Period. Dues for members shall be valid for one calendar year except for new members who join in the 4th quarter of a year. Their dues will be valid for the remainder of the year in which they join and for the next calendar year. There shall be no refunds of dues.
Section 3. Termination of Membership. Any member failing to pay the annual dues within sixty days after such dues become payable shall automatically forfeit membership and be dropped from the rolls. Should such member desire reinstatement, he or she must complete a new application.
ARTICLE V. Meetings of Members
Section 1. Regular Meetings. The regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held monthly at a time and place designated by the President.
Section 2. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the members for electing directors and officers and conducting other appropriate business shall be held in November or at such other time as determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings of members may be called at any time by the President or on written request of three members of the Board of Directors or of ten members of the Chapter.
Section 4. Notice of Meetings. Notice of regular meetings and the annual meeting shall be issued to members at the beginning of each calendar year. Notice of re-scheduled regular meetings and special meetings shall be given to all members at least 10 days prior to the meetings.
Section 5. Quorum. Members holding one-tenth of the votes entitled to be cast shall constitute a quorum. The vote of the majority of the members present or represented by proxy at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be necessary for the adoption of any matter voted on by the members.
Section 6. Guests. Members may bring guests to meetings except those meetings specified by the President as closed meetings.
ARTICLE VI. Officers
Section 1. Number. The Officers shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Treasurer and Secretary.
Section 2. Qualification. All Officers must be Professional members of the Chapter in good standing at the time of nomination or appointment. Per SHRM Bylaws, the President must be a current member in good standing of SHRM throughout the duration of his/her term of office.
Section 3. Responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities are set forth in Appendix A of the Bylaws, and may be subject to amendment as needed to meet the requirements of the Chapter as determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE VII. Board of Directors
Section 1. Number. The Board of Directors shall be composed of not fewer than 6 nor more than 15 voting Directors. The elected Directors shall consist of the following: the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasure, and 7 to 11 at-large Board members. The Board of Directors shall determine prospectively the number of at-large Board members to be elected each year.
Section 2. Qualification. All individuals on the Board of Directors must be members of the Chapter in good standing at the time of nomination or appointment.
Section 3. Responsibilities. The Board of Directors shall transact all business of the Chapter except as prescribed otherwise in the Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws. The Board has the right to suspend or revoke membership, with cause. The duties and responsibilities are set forth in Appendix B of the Bylaws, and may be subject to amendment as needed to meet the requirements of the Chapter as determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Quorum. A simple majority of the total Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The act of a majority of the Directors present at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be the act of the Board of Directors. In the event of a tie vote among the Board of Directors, the Past President shall abstain from voting.
Section 5. Meetings. The Board of Directors shall meet at the request of the President or written request of three members of the Board.
ARTICLE VIII. Election of Officers and Directors
Section 1. Nomination Committee. The Board of Directors shall appoint a three-member Nomination Committee prior to the November general meeting. The chairperson shall be the immediate Past President. The Nomination Committee shall present the names of the nominees for the Officer and Director positions at the November general meeting.
Section 2. Nominations by Members. In the event of nomination from the floor for any Officer or Director position, a vote will be taken by secret ballot. Only members will vote.
Section 3. Vacancies. Any Officer or Director vacancy in the Board during the year may be filled for the unexpired term by appointment of the President with consent by a majority of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Election-Term of Office. Officers and Directors will be elected at the November general meeting and shall serve for one year beginning January 1 or until their successors are elected and take office, whichever occurs later. An Officer or Director may succeed himself/herself no more than once.
Section 5. Removal of Officer or Director. Any Officer or Director may be removed from office, with cause, upon an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the entire Board of Directors at a duly constituted Board of Directors meeting.
ARTICLE IX. Succession Planning
Section 1. Projection. The Board of Directors shall each year project out two years the overall direction of the Chapter in terms of internal (programs) and external (outreach) strategic plans. This will form the foundation upon which new leaders will be chosen and developed.
Section 2. Analyze membership for potential. The Board of Directors shall analyze their options in terms of available and interested talent. They shall be evaluated based on leadership, initiative, judgment, planning and organizational skills, teamwork propensity, level of commitment to the Chapter, and dependability.
Section 3. Development Infrastructure. The Board shall cultivate a means by which new talent can be assimilated into leadership in the Chapter, whether as aides or assistants to the Directors, Officers, but given responsibility for coordinating projects, events, drives that the Chapter embraces. The Board shall direct whatever training or support is necessary to establish success landmarks.
Section 4. Reward Systems. The Board shall determine the need for or the value of reward systems in order to attract leadership talent. The Board shall determine the nature and sum total of rewards suitable to the level of leadership represented by new talent and suitable to the level of personal achievement in moving the Chapter forward. The Board shall develop metrics to grade performance that exceeds expectations.
ARTICLE X. Committees
Section 1. Committee Organization. Appointments of chairpersons to committees are the sole responsibility of the President. The President and chairperson will seek interested members to participate in committee activities. Special committees or task forces may be organized by the President to meet particular Chapter needs.
Section 2. Committee Activity. Committees are established to provide the Chapter with ad hoc or ongoing services such as special events, educational seminars, professional development and/or certification, student Chapter affairs.
ARTICLE XI. Chapter Dissolution
In the event of the Chapter’s dissolution, the remaining monies in the Treasury, after Chapter expenses have been paid, will be contributed to an organization decided upon by the Board of Directors at the time of dissolution (e.g., the SHRM Foundation, a local student Chapter, the state council, an HR-degree program, or other such organization or charity).
ARTICLE XII. Statement of Ethics
The Chapter adopts SHRM’s Code of Conduct to promote and maintain the highest standards among its members. Each member shall honor, respect, and support the purposes of this Chapter and SHRM.
The Chapter shall not be represented as advocating or endorsing any issue unless approved by the Board of Directors.
No member shall actively solicit business from any other member at Chapter meetings or through the use of information provided to him/her as a member of the Chapter without approval from the Board of Directors.
Members shall strive to achieve the highest levels of service, performance, and social responsibility as a part of and through the outreach of the Chapter.
Members shall question pending individual and group actions when necessary to ensure that decisions are ethical and are implemented in an ethical manner.
Through teaching and mentoring, members shall champion the development of other members as ethical leaders in the profession and in organizations.
Members should refrain from using any Chapter position or relationship thereto for personal, material, or financial gain or the appearance of such.
Members should be aware of conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof; when conflicts arise, they should be disclosed to the Board.
Roberts’ Rules of Order shall govern the procedure of meetings of the Chapter, so far as they are consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws.
ARTICLE XIV. Amendment of Bylaws and Constitution
The Bylaws and Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any Chapter meeting at which a quorum exists and at which written notice of the proposed amendment has been provided a minimum of ten days prior to such meeting. Prior to a vote, the proposed amendment shall be reviewed by SHRM to determine it is not in conflict with the Society’s Bylaws. No amendment shall be effective unless and until approved by the SHRM President/CEO or his/her designee as being in furtherance of the purposes of the SHRM and not in conflict with SHRM bylaws. Any motion to amend the bylaws shall clearly state that it is not effective unless and until approved by the SHRM President/CEO or his/her designee.
ARTICLE XV. Withdrawal of Affiliated Chapter Status
Affiliated chapter status may be withdrawn by the President/CEO of SHRM or his/her designee as a representative of the SHRM Board of Directors upon finding that the activities of the Chapter are inconsistent with or contrary to the best interests of SHRM. Prior to withdrawal of such status, the Chapter shall have an opportunity to review a written statement of the reasons for such proposed withdrawal and an opportunity to provide the SHRM Board of Directors with a written response to such a proposal within a thirty (30) day period. In addition, when the Chapter fails to maintain the required affiliation standards as set forth by the SHRM Board of Directors, it is subject to immediate disaffiliation by SHRM. After withdrawal of Chapter status, the SHRM Board of Directors may cause a new Chapter to be created, or, with the consent of the President/CEO of SHRM and the consent of the body which has had Chapter status withdrawn, may re-confer Chapter status upon such body.
A. President
1. Shall conduct the business of the Chapter in accordance with the Chapter bylaws and serve as chairperson of the Chapter’s Board of Directors.
2. Shall preside over the activities of all officers and directors, as well as standing committees, to ensure the accomplishment of Chapter goals, objectives and strategies.
3. Shall monitor the use, accounting and handling of the Chapter funds.
4. Shall create such committees as necessary to conduct the business and pursue the objectives of the Chapter. Shall chair all meetings of Chapter officers and members.
5. Shall promote and represent the Chapter at various functions and activities as deemed appropriate by the President and/or Board of Directors.
6. Shall maintain a current, active Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) membership.
7. Shall be a member of the North Carolina State Council and should attend State Council meetings and actively participate in State Council matters. Shall provide information to State Council as an elected representative of the Chapter. Shall appoint a proxy to attend State Council meetings when unable to attend.
8. Shall maintain communication with the State Council Director and the SHRM Regional Team.
9. Shall communicate state, regional and/or SHRM’s goals, policies and programs to Chapter members. Shall represent the State Council to local Chapter leaders and the membership.
B. President Elect
1. Shall perform all special projects as assigned by the President.
2. Shall, upon request, assist all officers in performing their responsibilities.
3. Shall attend (and preside over, if necessary) all monthly membership and Board of Directors meetings.
4. Shall automatically ascend to the Presidency in the event the President is permanently unable to fulfill the elected term of office.
5. Shall make necessary arrangements and reservations for general meetings and have such other powers and perform such other liaison duties as the Board or the President may determine.
6. Shall monitor state and local government activities and provide timely information on public policy issues to the Board of Directors.
7. Shall promote within the Chapter increased knowledge and activities for influencing legislation.
8. Shall write regular legislative updates for Chapter newsletter.
9. Should attend the SHRM Regional/State Leadership Conference.
C. Treasurer
1. Shall maintain such financial records as necessary to accurately record the financial status of the Chapter.
2. Shall receive, hold, and safeguard in the capacity of trustee and financial agent, all funds for the Chapter.
3. Shall disburse Chapter funds only for normal and usual uses unless the Board of Directors shall otherwise direct.
4. Shall make monthly financial reports to the Board of Directors; shall make such reports available to the general membership as requested.
5. Shall distribute the dues renewal invoices to membership annually; shall collect monies for said memberships; shall collaborate with Membership Director to ensure roster contains information for all paid members.
D. Secretary
1. Shall keep and maintain the records, in accordance with the Bylaws, of any and all Board and general meetings.
2. Shall maintain a record of attendance and prepare the minutes of all officers’ and directors’ meetings and regular Chapter meetings. Shall transcribe and distribute copies of the minutes to each Board Member; shall develop and provide a summary of major Board and Chapter activities at membership meetings.
3. Shall keep an up-to-date roster of names and addresses of all Chapter members. Shall put notice in each Chapter newsletter that members should contact Secretary to update any changes to their contact information.
4. Shall transmit all necessary annual election information to the membership and inform the SHRM Regional Team of the results.
5. Shall file in a permanent record:
·The original Chapter bylaws and dated copies of each amendment to those bylaws;
·A list of current officers, committee members and general membership;
·Copies of all Chapter publications;
·Approved and signed minutes of all Board of Directors and membership meetings; and
·Historical data on the activities of the Chapter.
In addition to the above duties and responsibilities, all Officers:
1. Shall participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the Chapter.
2. Shall represent the Chapter in the Human Resources community.
3. Shall attend all monthly Board of Directors meetings.
A. Communications Director
1. Shall work with the Marketing/Public Relations Director to distribute press releases to local media on the Chapter’s meetings, functions, projects, seminars and other events and activities.
2. Shall prepare and ensure communication of regular meeting notices to membership in the monthly newsletter; shall work with the Web Site Director to ensure regular meeting notices to membership are posted on the web site.
3. Shall prepare and communicate to the membership all meeting announcements, newsletters, and other information in a timely fashion. This information should also be sent to the district director, the state director, and the SHRM Regional Team.
4. Shall recruit assistance from the membership and the Board for articles, survey questions, etc.
5. Shall compile, edit, design, and lay out the final copy of the newsletter.
6. Shall create a production schedule for the newsletter.
7. Shall work with the Web Site Director to ensure the newsletter is posted on the web site; shall notify members by e-mail when a new newsletter has been posted on the web site.
8. Shall ensure that all issues of the newsletter go out on time.
B. Diversity Director
1. Shall develop and/or distribute information and materials to Chapter members to promote diversity in the workplace.
2. Shall publicize to Chapter members examples of successful diversity efforts being undertaken by Chapter members in their particular workplaces.
3. Shall identify minorities and other individuals with diverse backgrounds in the local area that might be interested in joining the Chapter.
4. Shall identify current Chapter members with diverse backgrounds who might be interested in volunteer leadership opportunities.
5. Shall be available for presentations if and when appropriate, or help to identify both diversity programs/speakers for conferences or Chapter programs and speakers with diverse backgrounds for conferences or Chapter programs.
6. Shall network with Diversity Directors from other Chapters within the state.
7. Shall coordinate efforts in developing diversity initiatives that can serve as models for other Chapters.
C. Hospitality Director
1. Shall send out welcome packets monthly to new members after they are voted into the Chapter; shall inform new members of membership meeting dates, location, web-site and other pertinent information.
2. Shall greet all members and guests as they arrive at monthly membership meetings.
3. Shall ensure each new member is recognized as such at the first membership meeting attended.
4. Shall devise a system, i.e., special ribbons, badges, etc. for use at membership meetings to identify the first time attending new member as such.
5. Shall ensure name badges are provided at monthly meetings and seminars.
6. Shall work with the Program Chair to ensure the speaker’s A/V equipment, i.e., screen, microphone, overhead projector is prepared for the meeting.
7. Shall plan meals and refreshments within budget for all special functions such as seminars, social events, etc.
D. Marketing/Public Relations Director
1. Shall oversee marketing and public relations activities of the Chapter.
2. Shall recommend community service projects to be supported by the Chapter.
3. Shall communicate with local media sources to ensure community awareness of Chapter activities and events. Shall work with the Communications Director to write and submit short Chapter-related or HR-related news items for local newspaper or business paper.
4. Shall maintain liaison with the local Chamber of Commerce, business organizations, business news writers, and other community groups.
5. Shall work with Membership Director to increase membership in Chapter and to plan Chapter and community events.
6. Shall co-sponsor a workshop, seminar or conference with another organization.
7. Shall oversee the scholarship program: develop scholarship application evaluation criteria and design the appropriate materials; promote the scholarship program and internship program to local colleges and universities; evaluate applicants for scholarships and recommend recipients to Board of Trustees; make recommendations on changes to scholarship program (i.e., scholarship amount, number of recipients).
8. Shall oversee the internship program: send out requests to local HR professionals/Chapter members requesting internship postings; forward openings to members of local student Chapters or to faculty members.
9. Shall communicate with local faculty/colleges to provide classroom visits to discuss HR topics, the Chapter, internships/scholarships, SHRM membership, etc.
E. Membership Director
1. Shall establish and maintain with direction from the Board, a membership initiative to actively promote and attract new members; shall plan prospective member events.
2. Shall expeditiously respond to requests for information about membership through telephone calls, personal contacts, and correspondence.
3. Shall compile applicants’ data and present to the Board of Directors with recommendation for status at each month’s meeting.
4. Shall notify each applicant in writing of membership status; shall contact applicants from whom more information is needed to evaluate application.
5. Shall maintain a current Chapter membership roster/directory.
6. Shall publish the membership directory either for placement on the Chapter website or in print form.
7. Shall maintain supplies of membership materials: applications, informational brochures, etc.
8. Shall carry out ad hoc assignments from the President (e.g., membership promotion, recommendation of membership criteria changes, etc.).
9. Shall obtain quarterly lists of At-Large members (SHRM members who are not members of any Chapter) in the area from the SHRM Regional Team. Shall use those lists to invite At-Large members to Chapter events.
F. Program Director
1. Shall keep abreast of developments in the human resources field in order to provide timely programs and services.
2. Shall contact potential speakers and make arrangements for presentations on subject matter intended to improve the professional knowledge of and provide information on topics of broad interest to Chapter members.
3. Shall provide information regarding programs and services to members, potential members and others, through presentation, written communications and personal contact.
4. Shall inform Communications Director of scheduled programs for media release and regular meetings and notices.
5. Shall review final preparations for meetings to assure that meetings run smoothly.
6. Shall assist program presenter(s) in whatever way possible.
7. Shall send a follow-up letter of appreciation to program presenter(s).
8. Shall evaluate the quality of Chapter programs utilizing written meeting evaluations to be used in planning future events.
G. College Relations Director
1. Shall develop scholarship application evaluation criteria and design the appropriate materials.
2. Shall promote the scholarship program and internship programs.
3. Shall act as liaison between the Chapter and the local educational institutions.
4. Shall communicate with local faculty/ educational institutions to provide support for partnerships with the Chapter, including the discussion of HR topics, internships/ scholarships, SHRM student memberships, and various HR-related interactions with college/ university students to advance the principles and occupation of Human Resource Management.
5. Shall recommend community service projects to be supported by the Chapter.
6. Participate in the SHRM College Relations Core Leadership Area conference calls and webcasts.
7. Attend all monthly membership and Board of Directors meetings.
H. Web Site Director
1. Shall procure and maintain a third party web server and domain name registration.
2. Shall maintain web site for content and design.
3. Shall develop and maintain web site and uploads site to web server.
4. Shall edit web pages, post PDF files, create new links, and post SHRM and Chapter information as needed to keep web site current.
5. Shall respond to member questions and problems regarding web site.
6. Shall test and monitor web site to ensure stability and functionality.
7. Shall communicate with Chapter Board of Directors to make sure all information on the web site is current and accurate.
8. Shall create, as needed, web-based response forms for surveys, etc.
9. Shall check periodically with members whose email addresses no longer work to obtain their updated information.
H. Past President
1. Shall act as advisor to Chapter Board of Directors regarding past practices and operations in accordance with Chapter’s bylaws.
2. Shall, upon request, assist officers in performing their responsibilities.
3. Shall serve as Chair of the Bylaws and Nominating Committees.
4. As Chair of Bylaws Committee, shall review bylaws and recommend any needed changes to Board of Directors for a vote and Chapter approval.
5. As Chair of Nominating Committee, shall develop a slate of qualified candidates for open Board of Directors positions in accordance with the bylaws. Shall communicate the open positions to the membership for a vote.
6. Shall accumulate information all year about the Chapter and compile it for the required Chapter Achievement Plan submitted to SHRM by January 31 each year and covers the year just passed. Shall submit information no later than January 31 to the SHRM Regional Team at SHRM.
7. Shall transfer Chapter files and documents to the current President.
In addition to the above duties and responsibilities, all Directors:
1. Shall participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the Chapter.
2. Shall represent the Chapter in the Human Resources community.
3. Shall attend all monthly Board of Directors meetings.